Success Stories


"Seeing some great results.."

Jack decided to get into online business after he got sick of the Rat Race and working for others. He has only been at affiliate marketing for about 4 months now, but already he's seeing some great results.
"It took me about two weeks to make my first two sales ever! I was so excited."

How Affilorama Helped

When Jack started he gathered as much information as he could find, buying every course and ebook he could. But it was Mark Ling's personal style in Affilorama that caught his eye.
"The first time I saw Affilorama, I had this gut feeling that this will give me the tools I need to achieve my goals. I want to be like Mark!"
"Affilorama helped me a lot in the areas I needed it most, like creating a landing page. When I started I didn't even know how to upload to a web server. With Affilorama's help, now I don't just create landing pages, but landing pages that convert visitors in to sales!"
"Affilorama has everything you need to know about becoming an affiliate"

Just getting started

Jack has big plans for his affiliate marketing business.
"I set myself a goal to become a Super Affiliate within one year."
He also plans to stay involved with Affilorama throughout. "I hope to one day be interviewed by Mark as a well known Super Affiliate"
— Jack Vidal - Israel

"Affilorama provides exceptional content that is kept current and up to date"

Lauren had been working online for some time running websites that sold physical products and working through eBay. Frustrated with the low margins and dealing with wholesale middlemen, she began searching for a new business model – what she found was affiliate marketing.
"With affiliate marketing it is so easy to find a product to promote and switch away if it doesn't work well."

New and relevant content

She was referred to one of Mark's interviews and immediately liked his style and depth of content.
"I came on over to Affilorama and they have over-delivered ever since. Affilorama provides exceptional content that is kept current and up to date. Nothing is more important in the constantly changing internet marketing world"

More time spent making money

Now Lauren has increased the net profit of her business significantly, no longer having to stock inventory or paying out a hefty cut to a wholesaler.
"I spend my time more profitably, looking for new opportunities and refining the good offers, rather than answering customer service questions and following up on deliveries!"
"Affilorama has done a great job of providing an affiliate newbie with enough actionable material to help me change my business model and become a much more profitable enterprise."
— Lauren Reed - USA

"Affilorama has created 100% of my success"

Adam has always been an entrepreneur, starting his first company when he was only in high school. For him, the traditional career path just didn't cut it.
"You go to college, and all they teach you is to get a “good job” working for someone else for $40,000 a year. That wasn't good enough for me."
Working in computer consulting is going well for Adam, but it's still not quite right.
"I want to be able to work from home, and I want to run my own business, not have it run me."

Affiliate Marketing

Adam was attracted to affiliate marketing because of the potential to earn money without having to hire full time staff and build a traditional business.
Although he's just getting started, Adam is already got some income flowing in and knows what he has to do to improve.
"I'm making around $50 a month at the moment, but that tells me I'm targeting the wrong keywords."

Where Affilorama Comes In

"Affilorama has created 100% of my success. It is the most needed program and tools for anyone who is serious about their affiliate business."
"I'm a hands-on guy and a visual learner. You offered not only a great price, but exactly what I needed to see in order to understand what is going on. The forum help is great too!"
"Affilorama's great. Thanks for everything guys!"
- Adam Simpson - USA

"Able to make enough to leave his day job"

Joshua was working as a loan officer in Florida when he started dabbling in affiliate marketing a couple years ago. The first year was a struggle.

Putting in the time

Every day after coming home from work, Joshua put in 7 to 8 hours at the computer working on his affiliate sites, meaning he was often working 15 hours a day!
He desperately needed a helping hand and one day he stumbled across Affilorama.
After watching the Affilorama lessons and getting lots of one-on-one advice from our forum, Joshua was soon able to make enough to leave his day job and work on affiliate marketing full time.

"I don't know how else to say it, but this program is the ONLY program you need to make yourself a great living online..."

I just wanted to thank you for changing my outlook on EVERYTHING to do with affiliate marketing. I am youngin' as some might say, being in this game at only age 20. I started to dabble in affiliate marketing back when I was only in 9th grade. I have spent years searching the Internet for a way to properly set up a business online, but my search never yielded any fruit. I can finally say I have found that golden opportunity.
Mark, your help has been OUTSTANDING and the level of support you give for this product is unheard of. The only thing I am disappointed in, is not finding this place sooner! I don't know how else to say it, but this program is the ONLY program you need to make yourself a great living online. After following the 90 day plan I am now earning more as an affiliate than I did at my regular job here in town. I worked at a car wash and I am glad to say, I will never have to go back there again. Mark, you and your plan have given me the focus and ideas necessary, in order for me to take off with my Internet dreams. Thanks so much for everything and I will see you back in the forum.
— Adrian Barrett - Canada

"All that extra help has definitely translated into results..."

"I was actually pretty sceptical when I first heard about Affilorama, but I'm really glad I got over that and became a member. The videos and other resources are great, especially for people who are new to Affiliate marketing. What I really love about Affilorama is the support -- if you're stuck on something or you need a critique of some of your work, Mark is there to help you out. I was really surprised to find somebody that genuinely cared about my success, and all that extra help has definitely translated into results. Just a few weeks after joining Affilorama I got home from work one night, checked my accounts and realised that that week I'd made more money online than I did at my regular job. Now I'm no genius marketer, so if I can do it, anyone can. So if you're not happy with your level of success, I can't recommend Affilorama enough. I hope to see you in there!"
— Sean Morrissy - Australia
Endorsements: The number of sales and the profits made by Affiliates who provide testimonials or endorsements on this website is due to (among other things) the particular marketing strategy and products marketed of those Affiliates and is therefore not typical of results achieved by Affiliates and we do not represent that these results are typical.

Hear from AffiloBlueprint members

"I'm now consistently making well over $1000 a day now, and last week with a mailout to one of my lists I made $23,804!"

Hi Mark,

Fransisco B.As you know I've been an affilorama member since 2006 and I've learnt so much during my time here. Since you launched AffiloBlueprint I've really skyrocketed things to whole new levels. I'm excited about sharing my new screenshots below as you can see things are going really well for me now thanks to you!

As you can see from just one of my clickbank accounts, I'm now consistently making well over $1000 a day now, and last week with a mailout to one of my lists I made $23,804!

"So, am I happy with my decision? If it's any indication, AffiloBlueprint is my homepage!..."


"...I thought that becoming a full-time affiliate marketer was a pipe dream..."


I have been seriously involved in affiliate marketing for a couple of years and was struggling to get my websites ranked in the search engines, convert sales, and make a profit from my PPC campaigns.

AffiloBlueprint has completely changed my mindset, and the step-by-step lessons have given me a complete understanding of where I was going wrong.

Thanks to the techniques I learnt with AffiloBlueprint, I am now ranking #1 for several of my keywords on Google and Yahoo. My website has only been launched for just over two months so this is amazing to me!

Since joining AffiloBlueprint, my online income has increased by 700% and my website traffic has increased by over 50% in the past month!

I can speak very highly of Mark Ling and his team. They are always available and looking for ways to help their members to succeed.

Before I enrolled in AffiloBlueprint, I thought that becoming a full-time affiliate marketer was a pipe dream. I now feel that with hard work and following the strategies taught in AffiloBlueprint, this is a definite possibility for me.

Thanks Mark and the AffiloBlueprint team!

Joan Stalker

"...Despite being in affiliate marketing for a few years, I've managed to roughly double my knowledge with AffiloBlueprint..."


I was initially skeptical of signing up for an Internet marketing 'guru' course, having gone through a lot of eBooks that never really live up to the hype.

However, I quickly found that AffiloBlueprint was produced by someone who is genuinely interested in teaching and is good at it too.

Despite being in affiliate marketing for a few years, I've managed to roughly double my knowledge with AffiloBlueprint.

AB gives either complete newbies or even more experienced affiliates step by step instructions on everything from building a website, doing market research and promoting your site.

Kudos to you and your team on a well-built program, Mark!
